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Enhance your culinary creations with our premium dried oregano, available in a convenient 15g package. Oregano is a flavorful herb that is widely used in Mediterranean cuisine, known for its aromatic and slightly peppery taste.


Health Benefits of Dried Oregano:

1. Powerful Antioxidant: Oregano is one of the richest herbs in antioxidants, containing compounds like carvacrol and thymol that help neutralize free radicals and prevent cellular damage.

2. Antibacterial Properties: Numerous studies have shown that oregano essential oil possesses strong antibacterial properties against a wide range of bacterial strains, making it a natural alternative to antibiotics.

3. Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Both fresh and dried oregano can help reduce inflammation due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds.

4. Cholesterol Regulation: Some clinical studies have indicated that taking oregano after meals for three months can lower "bad" LDL cholesterol and increase "good" HDL cholesterol in individuals with high cholesterol levels.

5. Antiparasitic Properties: Oregano essential oil has been shown to eliminate certain intestinal parasites like Blastocystis hominis and Entamoeba hartmanni when taken over a period of six weeks.


Nutritional Values (per 100g)

Energy346 kcal
Protein11 g
Carbohydrates49.5 g
Vitamin C50 mg


Culinary Uses:

- Flavor Enhancer: Use dried oregano to season sauces, pizzas, and roasted vegetables. It pairs well with tomatoes, meats, and Mediterranean dishes.

- Herbal Infusions: Steep dried oregano in hot water to create a fragrant herbal tea or use it to infuse oils.

- Baking: Add dried oregano to bread and focaccia for a unique flavor twist.

Why Choose Our Dried Oregano?

- Quality Assurance: Our dried oregano is sourced from trusted farms, ensuring premium quality and flavor.

- Versatile Use: Perfect for cooking, herbal remedies, and natural beauty products.

Order your dried oregano today and bring the essence of Mediterranean cuisine to your kitchen!



استمتع بفوائد الأوريغان مع منتجنا المتميز بوزن 15 جرام. الأوريغان هو عشب ذو نكهة قوية يُستخدم على نطاق واسع في المطبخ المتوسطي، ويشتهر بنكهته العطرية واللاذعة قليلاً. يحتوي على مضادات الأكسدة التي تساعد في مكافحة الإجهاد التأكسدي والالتهابات.

الأوريغان له خصائص مضادة للبكتيريا، ويمكن أن يساعد في تنظيم مستويات الكوليسترول. كما أنه يحتوي على خصائص مضادة للطفيليات. استخدم الأوريغان لإضافة نكهة مميزة إلى الأطباق المختلفة، واطلبه اليوم للاستفادة من فوائده الصحية ونكهته الفريدة!



Organic Dry Oregano

AED39.00 Regular Price
AED19.00Sale Price
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