Classified in the family of “super foods”, spirulina is also considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the best food for humanity in the 21st century and the most complete because of its composition and its exceptional nutritional richness.
What is Spirulina?
Spirulina, scientifically named Spirulina Arthrospira Platensis, is a blue-green, spiral-shaped filamentous cyanobacterium, often mistakenly considered an algae and which has many health benefits that have made it so popular. It is possible to find it in the form of powder, flakes, tablets or even capsules.
The benefits of spirulina on the body :
Boosts the immune system
Improves endurance and resistance
Helps to keep or get back in shape
Helps in weight control and a normal blood sugar level
Strengthens natural defenses and vitality
Promotes the body's resistance
Natural source of antioxidants to fight oxidative stress
An excellent source of protein :
Spirulina is one of the highest protein plant foods. On average, 60-70% of its total body weight is made up of amino acids which are used as a source of food for our muscles. A record, when we know that lean meat contains only 20%, and that this percentage decreases further during cooking.
Many plants contain protein, but it is not always complete due to the lack of certain essential amino acids. When it comes to spirulina, all 9 essential amino acids are present, making it an ideal food supplement for both vegans and vegetarians.
Minerals and trace elements :
Spirulina contains interesting amounts of iron, copper, magnesium and zinc, minerals known to fight fatigue and promote recovery. It also contains good amounts of sodium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium and manganese, elements that are very useful for the overall health of our body. Some prevent free radical formation, others interact with red blood cells, and a few boost the immune system.
Chlorophyll and phycocyanin :
The green color of spirulina is given by chlorophyll. Its core, similar to the structure of our red blood cells, attracts toxic elements, which gives spirulina very useful properties in terms of detoxifying the blood. It is also this pigment that promotes the production of red blood cells in the body.
Phycocyanin is also a rare pigment in nature, yet it is present in large quantities in spirulina and even now used for medical purposes as a replacement for certain pharmaceutical treatments. Particularly bioavailable, it is a powerful antioxidant that strengthens the body and protects cells (1). Very appreciated by athletes in particular, this element has very useful characteristics for the purification of the body, the production of white and red blood cells and the improvement of physical performance.
A plant and natural source of vitamin B12 :
Thanks to cold drying, Natura Force spirulina retains all its vitamins. Vitamin B derivatives are found in significant amounts, such as riboflavin (Vitamin B2), nicotinamide (B3), pyridoxine (B6) and folic acid (B9).
Even more surprisingly, spirulina is one of the rare foods of plant origin to contain vitamin B12, a vitamin very appreciated by vegetarians because it is generally found in red meat and organ meats and much less in a vegetable diet source of certain deficiencies.
The vitamin B12 contained in spirulina has been able to demonstrate through various studies its bioavailability and its ability to supplement a deficient diet (2) Other analyzes have also been able to demonstrate the presence of vitamins A and E in interesting quantities.
Spirulina consumption and dosage :
There are several forms of spirulina. Anyway, it is recommended to opt for a gradual consumption: from 1 to 2 grams per day during the first week of consumption (if you have never consumed it) then to increase the intakes as and to measure up to 3 grams per day on average over the rest of the treatment.
In addition, you can consume spirulina as a cure or on a regular or even uninterrupted basis in order to cover your needs continuously.
Effects and use of Spirulina :
Nutritional balance and weight loss :
Spirulina is a real advantage for those who do not eat meat and who lack essential minerals in their diet, such as iron.
Its high protein content allows the body to feel satiety faster, reduce the amount on the plate and eliminate snacking between meals. A definite advantage for those who need to lose a few pounds and benefit from a good intake of vitamins. It also promotes detoxification of the body. Many dieticians recommend spirulina to lose weight because of the fact that it acts as an effective appetite suppressant thanks in particular to its high protein content.
Sports supplementation :
Minerals like iron, zinc and magnesium are essential for the maintenance of athletic performance in top athletes.
These elements are known to promote recovery after intensive sports sessions. As the production of red blood cells is stimulated by phycocyanin and chlorophyll, oxygenation of the muscles is optimized, which helps the individual to improve their power and endurance. The chemistry between the elements that make up spirulina allows athletes to optimize their recovery in order to continue and improve their performance.
Strengthen the immune system and purify the body :
Our immune and endocrine systems need a variety of vitamins to function properly. The vitamins contained in spirulina thus make it possible to compensate for a deficient or even unbalanced diet. Better still, their quantity and their arrangement stimulate our body and strengthen our natural defenses.
The beta carotene contained in cyanobacteria is known to be immunostimulant and antioxidant and to have a positive effect on both the health and aesthetics of the skin and hair. Spirulina is also useful for detoxifying the body. Its composition allows it to attract and remove toxins from our body.
You can start your day with a glass of lukewarm lemon water with a few tablets of spirulina, an excellent combination with strong alkalizing power.
Eradicates food deficiencies and lack of iron (anemia :
Because of its nutritional richness, spirulina is one of the few foods that can boast of being complete and that it can fight malnutrition and anemia on its own .
The proteins, iron and vitamins it contains allow it to rebalance a deficient diet.
Its consumption promotes an increase in the average corpuscular hemoglobin concentration as well as the level of white blood cells in the body. Spirulina is also used in many countries and especially in Africa to fight malnutrition.
An effective natural antioxidant :
Phycocyanin acts as a powerful antioxidant. Its action on oxidative stress helps preserve the health of the skin (action against wrinkles and cellular aging) and more generally of the body.
Antioxidants are known to prevent many diseases. Numerous studies have demonstrated the ability of spirulina to reverse the age-related increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines and reduce oxidative markers MDA (plasma malondialdehyde), demonstrating its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities.
Spirulina and sport :
Widely used by runners as well as bodybuilders to improve their recovery and promote better muscle mass gain, the latter have made it one of their favorite food supplements. Studies carried out on several groups of athletes have clearly shown that spirulina improves both endurance and recovery , and that it helps fight physical fatigue. The results also demonstrated a better utilization of lipids during physical exercise and the optimization of the level of glutathione linked to physical energy and promoting the fight against the oxidation generated by physical exertion. Consuming spirulina also helps eliminate lactic acid which causes muscle cramps and pain.
Improves endurance and resistance:
Very popular with athletes, spirulina provides iron and beta-carotene and thus promotes good oxygenation of the blood, cells and muscles. Numerous studies have demonstrated the ability of the latter, as a natural antioxidant, to improve endurance, especially in runners and cyclists (4), but also physical strength in strength sports practitioners. .
Helps to keep or get back in shape :
Spirulina consists of 60 to 70% of proteins including all essential amino acids, 19% of carbohydrates, 6% of lipids and a high concentration of minerals, fibers, beta-carotene, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, B vitamins and omega 3, 6 and 9. It is an ideal source of energy for anyone looking for a better state of shape and wishing to naturally boost their body.
Spirulina and bodybuilding :
Spirulina helps build muscle, reduce muscle stiffness and improve blood quality and circulation in general. The consumption of spirulina is particularly suitable for bodybuilding in addition to a varied diet. It helps the body to quickly eliminate carbon dioxide and lactic acid, and promotes better post-exercise recovery.
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